KNX Tile Series Climate Panel

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With an LCD and six buttons, Tile Series Climate Panel enables the easy control of air conditioning, floor heating, and ventilation system to keep the ambiante healthy and comfortable.

Flexible combinations for functionality.

You can use just one smart control panel if it meets your requirement, or combine multiple smart panels to serve more functions in a specific area.

Panel automatically wake up when approached

With built-in proximity sensor in the panel, the LCD and icon back light automatically wake up when approached by someone so that you can easily find the right switch in darkness.

Small screen covers full environment data

Applying segment code LCD screen, the panel offers comprehensive monitoring of environment measurements with a build-in temperature and humidity sensor.

KNX Tile Series Climate Panel (See Figure 1) is divided into a LCD display and four pushbuttons, enabling controls of air conditioning, floor heating and ventilation system. Parameters can be set by ETS or manually set on the panel. The brightness level can be set. The icons and text on the panel support laser labelling. Its functions include: ■ Built-in temperature and humidity sensor ■ Built-in proximity sensor, when the panel detects human body, the LCD screen backlight and button lights can be lit. ■ Adjustable LCD backlight brightness ■ Different pages for air conditioning, floor heating and ventilation system, and each can be used to control 1 channel device. ■ Icons and text support laser labelling ■ Enables controls and settings: Page switching, Air conditioner on/off, Air conditioner mode setting, Air conditioner temperature setting, Air conditioner fan speed setting, Static display of ambient temperature & humidity, Floor heating on/off, Floor heating temperature and mode setting, Ventilation on/off, Ventilation fan speed setting, Ventilation mode setting, Backlight brightness setting ■ Supports online upgrade

Supports various types of control targets

Flexible combinations for required functions

RGB icon backlight

Customizable button icons

Users are allowed to set the colors of icon backlight

Available in two materials and four colors