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  • Description

KNX to BACnet Gateway

The IntesisBox Gateway has been specially designed to allow bidirectional control and monitoring of all parameters and functionalities of a KNX installation from a BMS, SCADA or any other device working as a BACnet client.

Model BACnet KNX
Max. Points Max. Devices Group address Listening address
IBOX-BAC-KNX-100 100 2 500 1000
IBOX-BAC-KNX-A 500 2 500 1000
IBOX-BAC-KNX-B 3000 2 3000 1000

The aim of this integration is to make accessible KNX system signals and resources from a BACnet/IP based control system or device, as if it was a part of the own BACnet system and vice-versa. For this, the gateway acts as a BACnet/IP Server device in its BACnet interface, allowing other BACnet/IP devices to perform subscription (COV) requests, and also read and write its internal points.

From the KNX system point of view, in the startup process of the gateway and also after a detection of a KNX bus reset, the gateway polls the KNX signals configured to be updated in this situation and maintain the received values in memory to be served to the BACnet  system when requested. Also listen for any KNX telegram related to the internal points configured in it and acts accordingly to the configuration of the related point.

From the BACnet  system point of view, after the startup process, the gateway listens for any subscription (COV) request, serves any polling request or performs any writing request of its internal points received from BACnet system. The values received from BACnet become available to be read (and when applicable, written) by the KNX system and vice-versa.